Our Services

Residential Electrical Services

Providing high quality, cost-effective solutions for all your residential property electrical needs.

Commercial Electrical Services

Our team of highly skilled electrical contractors are ready for your fit outs and maintenance services.

Building or Renovating your home?

BWE Electrical make your project work for you with their friendly, professional service of cost-effective solutions.

Quality solutions for your project!

Outstanding services with clear communication every step of the way.

Real Estate Agencies

with rental roles of over 1000 properties

Quality Accommodation Venues

of over 300 rooms

Retail Outlets

of over 50 sites statewide

Food and Beverage Establishments

with plans for many new restaurants, and

Private Clients

whom we have assisted with several moves and/or new acquisitions.

Sometimes our work is as simple as changing a stove element or a faulty light fitting, fixing a broken power point or stopping that smoke alarm beeping.

At other times we can be involved in million dollar fitouts and upgrades.

No matter the requirement, large or small, we work with our clients to deliver quality solutions within budget.

We deliver quality solutions

To ensure that our work orders, job queues and quotes are all managed effectively BWE use ServiceM8 applications in the office and on the field. ServiceM8 enables clients to email jobs to us for automatic logging or we are only a phone call away.

A Simple Call

Our clients appreciate the simplicity of being able to phone us, one company, for any of their electrical service needs.
bwe electrical services
bwe electrical fan

Understanding Your Needs

This enables BWE to add extra value to our service by gaining an understanding of overall property workings and individual client needs.

Our teams are in locations all across the Gold Coast and Brisbane daily. We regularly operate the entire coast of Queensland and northern New South Wales. Through partnerships and major projects work extends well beyond our home base to include the Northern Territory, Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia.

For your enquiry please feel welcome to contact our office on (07) 5535 9930 or email your enquiry to admin@bweelectrical.com and our team will assist you promptly.